Student Records

Visit the Coastline Student Records webpage to find options for accessing student records whether it is transcripts, verifications, graduation information, evaluations, pass/no pass grading options, GE Breadth and IGETC certification, 1098T information or excluding sub-standard grades from GPA calculations.

Active Records

Most requests for changes to a student’s current class program or information can be done online by logging in to MyCoastPortal or with the Admissions and Records Office. Included are “adds” to program, “withdrawal from class,” “fee payments,” and “address changes.” Name changes must be done with the Admissions & Records Office. If changing a name, official documentation must be presented at the time of the request.


Transcripts of academic work taken at Coastline College are available upon official request. Students make their requests online through PARCHMENT, on the Coastline Transcripts webpage. Two transcripts and/or enrollment verifications will be provided free of charge. For each additional transcript there will be a charge of $5. Students may request “rush” (next day) services for an additional $5 per transcript or verification. Fees are subject to change.

Cumulative Folders

The Admissions and Records Office maintains an electronic cumulative file on each student who has records sent to the College. The file, containing copies of high school and college transcripts and other relevant academic information, such as records of military service and other awarded credit, is available to the student. These files are the property of the college.


The Admissions and Records Office will provide information regarding a student’s records upon written student request. There is a $5 charge. Two verifications and/or transcripts will be provided free of charge. This fee is subject to change. Coastline College also utilizes the National Student Clearinghouse for reporting of enrollment status. Enrollment status is reported automatically several times during the semester or session.

Student Picture Identification

Students may be required to furnish picture identification in order to participate in certain classes and activities. Photo I.D. cards are issued by the Admissions and Registration Office during the student’s first semester. Students are only allowed one replacement during their studies at Coastline College.

Withholding of Student Records

The College's Director of Enrollment Services shall withhold diplomas and registration privileges from any current or former student who fails to pay a proper financial obligation to the District. The student shall be given written notification and the opportunity to explain, if the financial obligation is in error.

The definition of proper financial obligation shall include, but is not limited to: student fees; obligations incurred through the use of facilities, equipment, or materials; library fines; unreturned library books; materials remaining improperly in the possession of the student; and/or any other unpaid obligation a current or former student owes to the District. A proper financial obligation does not include any unpaid obligation to a student organization.

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