Shoot from distance

Replicates situations where players combine with their team-mates before finishing from range.


Focuses on players’ shooting or finishing from long range. The environment looks to replicate players combining with team-mates and having to get their shot off quickly.


Set up a small square area inside a larger square area. Position two goals just outside the larger area, with a goalkeeper in each. Split the other players into pairs, with one pair (the strikers) situated within the small area and the other two pairs acting as servers. Each server has a ball and are in each corner of the larger area.


Use four balls. Servers play the ball, one at a time, into the strikers, who must combine once or twice before they have a shot on goal. The strikers are also limited to two touch. Strikers win a point for a shot on target or three for a goal. After all four balls have been used, a new pair have a turn to be the strikers.

Progression: Move the goals further away or to the side so they are not directly in line with the area.

Coaching points

A server plays <a href=a ball into the small area" />

A server plays a ball into the small area

Related Files

Vol-2-Issue-114-shoot-from-distance.pdf PDF, 570 KB Download printable PDF

The player receiving the ball lays it off for their partner who has a shot on goal

The player receiving the ball lays it off for their partner who has a shot on goal

The player who had the shot now receives a ball from another server

The player who had the shot now receives a ball from another server

Carl Wild

Carl Wild

SCW consultant coach and former Manchester City Girls RTC coach who leads the Football Coaching and Management degree course at UCFB. Uefa C coach developer.